The year 2018 in Bydgoszcz was announced as the Year of Bydgoszcz Industrial Heritage. On this occasion, MCK (the City Cultural Center) organized a series of actions aimed at promoting local industry and its rich history. It coincided with the 150th birthday of MAKRUM – one of the flagship industrial brands related to the city.

fot.: Miejskie Centrum Kultury
On February 18, the headquarters of MCK held the meeting summarizing the Year of Bydgoszcz Industrial Heritage and all actions undertaken in the past year to present the industrial history of Bydgoszcz. The representatives of MAKRUM – the producer of crushing and grinding machines, connected with the city for 150 years – could not miss such event.

fot.: Miejskie Centrum Kultury

fot.: Miejskie Centrum Kultury
Over the past year, MAKRUM has been partnering with MCK in its actions. One of the events that reverberated locally was TehoFest, promoting the TeH2O Water, Industry and Crafts Route in Bydgoszcz. As part of this event, MAKRUM factory in Bydgoszcz became a venue for the theathrical performance.
We also took part in the creation of brochures describing the unique histories of Bydgoszcz brands. An extensive publication regarding MAKRUM was published at the beginning of this year in a book called Czytanki Miejskie: Zeszyt 8, Opowieści bydgoskiego przemysłu. Below, we publish our story, encouraging you to reach for the entire booklet and familiarize yourself with other stories about the development of industrial business over the years.
source: Czytanki Miejskie: Zeszyt 8, Opowieści bydgoskiego przemysłu, pod redakcją Emilii Walczak, Miejskie Centrum Kultury, Bydgoszcz 2019