Prezentujemy realizację segmentu maszynowego Grupy PJP MAKRUM S.A., która jest uznanym producentem maszyn i urządzeń dla przemysłu wydobywczego, chemicznego, cementowego i papierniczego.  Szczególną grupą maszyn, z którą Grupa jest kojarzona na całym świecie, są kruszarki Makrum. Specjaliści marki wykonali niedawno wirnik do kruszarki młotkowej, która pracuje u klienta już kilkadziesiąt lat.

One of the products recently realized by Makrum specialists is the rotor for the 40.99 hammer crusher. This crusher has been working at the customer’s site for several dozen years, so the customer returned to Makrum for an element that would allow the machine to work for many years to come without failure. So a factory new rotor was made with an impressive weight (without hammer and hammer axles) of 36 tons. This machine crushes lumps of limestone as the first stage of limestone crushing in the clinker production process. The assembly took place at the end of the year, the product is already successfully working for a client from the cement industry

The Group’s machinery segment continues its efforts to give this area of ​​activity a primarily engineering character, focusing on its highly specialized products. We also support clients who for many years – often even several dozen, as in the described implementation – have been using our products, performing service works and spare parts for Makrum devices. Our motto is ‘innovation supported by experience’ – we want to include the 150-year history of the brand and innovative technological solutions according to which MAKRUM products are made. We are a leading manufacturer of crushing and grinding machines. This is an important product in the rich history of the PJP MAKRUM Group.

MAKRUM specialists make every effort to ensure the highest quality and reliable durability of their products and services. Experience in the implementation of specialized projects and an extensive list of references prove that they can meet the requirements of each client.


Publication of interim reports of PJP MAKRUM in 2022