Today is the dividend day in PJP Makrum. The company will share with shareholders the profit in the total amount of PLN 2,034,123.44, ie PLN 0.34 per share. The payment of dividend is to be made on October 12 this year.
The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company decided to pay dividends from the profit for 2020 in the total amount of PLN 2,034,123.44, i.e. PLN 0.34 per share. There were 3,933,068 votes in favor of this resolution, 3,333 votes against this resolution and 0 votes abstaining.
The date of acquiring the right to dividend is September 28, 2021.
The date of payment of the dividend by the Company is set on October 12, 2021.
The dividend applies to the Company’s shares in the number of 5,982,716.
The remaining part of PJP Makrum’s profit for 2020 was allocated to the Company’s supplementary capital.
In its history, PJP MAKRUM has already had several dividend payments. This year will be the fourth year in which the company continuously shares its profits with shareholders.
History of PJP Makrum dividend payments in recent years: