On the website portalanaliz.pl has appeared a short analysis of the financial results of the Industrial Group Projprzem Makrum for the first quarter of 2020. We encourage you to read the analysis: https://portalanaliz.pl/analiza/149/Analiza-Projprzem-Makrum—wyniki-Q1-2020-roku

“The first quarter turned out to be very good for the Projprzem Makrum group in terms of revenues, in the period of 3 months of 2020 they amounted to PLN 82.9 million and were higher by PLN 34.6 million (71.5%) compared to revenues generated in corresponding period of 2019.
In the first quarter of 2020, the group generated operating profit of PLN 4.7 million compared to PLN 0.5 million in 2019. In the three months of 2020, net profit stood at PLN 1.6 million and was higher compared to 2019 by 1.3 million, despite adverse events related to exchange rates.” – commented Remigiusz Iwan, author of analysis.

Portalanaliz.pl is fully independent, free from advertising, sponsored articles or other influences. The authors of the analyzes on the portal, for nearly 5 years each run blogs analyzing companies – issuers of shares (Paweł Malik: gazetagieldowa.pl) or bonds (Remigiusz Iwan: rynekobligacji.com). According to the authors of the blog, they created a platform whose mission is to provide independent analysis of listed companies and help in responsible investment.


Editable financial data for PROJPRZEM MAKRUM for 1Q2020
Information about the following General Meeting of Shareholders of PROJPRZEM MAKRUM