“Road engineering after COP24: a new dimension of recycling” – a seminar organized by the Polish Road Congress was held under this title. The meeting was a continuation of last year’s conference in Lodz and included topics related to environmental, technical and legal aspects of aggregate recovery in road construction. The meeting was attended also by MAKRUM specialists who have created an innovative asphalt reclaimer granulator – a machine that is revolutionizing this process.

The conference is a continuation, with a significant broadening of the thematic scope of last year’s colloquium “Bitural asphalt in road construction”. The aim of this is to initiate activities in the road environment for joining the implementation of COP24 conference in Katowice. As a result of the agreement, the state parties have pledged to prepare their own program for reducing emissions and combating climate change by promoting sustainable development: resource-efficient use of resources and the pursuit of a circular economy.

The conference served to familiarize the road environment with the anticipated consequences of the summit’s establishments, present the solutions applied so far in the recycling of old asphalt surfaces and the use of secondary resources, including ashes from energy in the construction and repair of roads. It initiated a debate on the possibilities of significantly expanding their use.

The importance of processing of reclaimed asphalt increases along with the growing need for recycling in the road construction process, also in relation to the emerging regulations and directives, encouraging its use as a full-fledged building material. For this process PROJPRZEM-MAKRUM specialists created an innovative machine – GDA asphalt reclaimed granulator, whose benefits were described during the meeting, along with distributing among its participants of the “Guide on the use of reclaimed asphalt.”

The granulator is used for grinding the available asphalt reclaimed, adapting it for reuse in the process of road and surface construction. The bitumen reclamation is a valuable building material used in the construction and modernization of road infrastructure. Rapidly developing technology for the production of bituminous mixtures, blends with the content of reclaimed asphalt are widely used globally. This trend is supported by European directives regarding the use of industrial waste and the legislation of some countries (eg Great Britain, where taxation of landfill has been introduced).

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Independent MODULO systems – convenience of parking