ZŁOTA STRONA EMITENTA is a competition organized by ZSE (the Association of Stock Exchange Issuers). Its reputation has permanently inscribed in the awareness of companies and investors – this year it is already the thirteenth edition of this contest. Its aim is to select the best website among companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the New Connect.

The first stage of Złota Strona Emitenta competition has been completed. 164 websites of  companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, including the NewConnect market, were evaluated. This year, once again, listed companies fought in two classifications: “The best IR service” and “The leader of online communication”. We are very pleased to announce that our website www.projprzem.com went to the second stage of this year’s competition in both categories!

“The Association of Stock Exchange Issuers, as an expert organization, aims to spread and exchange knowledge enabling capital market development and supports activities aimed at better communication with investors and other participants of the market. In connection with the above, we make every effort to ensure that the Competition promotes websites as friendly and effective forms of communication between companies, investors and shareholders“- says Mirosław Kachniewski, President of the Association, about the idea of the competition.

More information about the regulations, schedule and details are available at www.zse.seg.org.pl

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