What’s going on in Koronowo? We invite you to a tour of the paint shop, cutting plant, steel warehouse and parking with Robert Słuszczak, who shows what has changed since the last presentation of the newly modernized production plant of the PJP Makrum Industrial Group.


The investment in the production plant in Koronowo has practically been completed. It’s aim is to enable the optimization of the production process and increase the production capacity and product competitiveness in the field of reloading and parking systems. Currently, we are dealing there with the completion of the implementation process and adjustment of technological parameters of new production lines in order to achieve the assumed goals.

The expansion of the production plant in Koronowo was carried out as part of the modernization of the production of Promstahl reloading systems and Modulo parking systems. The investment consisted in the expansion of the production and storage part as well as the infrastructure of machines and devices for transport.

Investor’s newsletter – June 2021
Another dividend payment at PJP Makrum